The Operation was a success.
You found what you had been looking for, but had forgotten where you had hid the thing that was quite important indeed, I'll say, yes, quite, Uh huh, um hmm.
Over the years you have grown more politically cynical, which has caused you to divorce yourself from the 'franchise' parties and go with the more fringe parties.
Like the "Vegan-crossdressing-saladdressing-hopscotch-grouphappiness-overlooked-underlaid" Party.
The "Love thine enemy, Don't talk to strangers" motto always seemed like an odd way to live. SO you've chosen to talk to your enemy's strangers about thine love.
Answer the next phone call on the third ring. It will be the delivery guy, but he will have forgotten your salad and root beer. . . again.
Poems do not have to rhyme to make sense.
Art is in the eye of the beholder, unless he or she has worn protective glasses.
Everyone has their fifteen minutes of fame, but only after their twelve weeks of hellish nightmares.
Halloween will not come and go this year. It will come, and then stick around through the holidays and then leave on the second of January, next year.
Wear red.
Peace, please.